Computer Science Club


The purpose of the Computer Science Club is to offer educational, social and networking activities for undergraduate and graduate students at Endicott College. Activities include seminars by alumni and guest speakers, workshops on computer programming, robotics, preparing for internships, applying to jobs, and other student planned events.


  • Requierments for membership include a major or minor in Computer Science or a basic understanding of the subject.
  • All members are allowed to vote and participate in club meetings. Members will be welcomed to participate in club meetings as well as club presentations and events.
  • Want to become a member? Sign up here!


  • Matt Muehlemann (President)
  • Sabrina Alesandro (Vice President)
  • Jeffrey Thor (Treasurer)
  • Ross Theroux (Secretary)

Election and Impeachment

Officer Election Process

The officer election process happens at the beginning of every semester and is determined by a majority vote of the club members as well as a final interview with the club advisor.

Officer Impeachment

To impeach an officer there has to be a mojority vote of the club board members and a meeting with the club advisor where all board members are present.


Club meetings will be held on a weekly basis in the Computer Science lounge. If there is a need for an emergancy meeting all club members will be informed via email. Although attendance is not mandatory for club meetings, members are asked to be activley involved in the club. Incase of a club vote, members will be asked to vote online through a form so that votes stay anonymous.

Amendments & By-Laws

All members can propose an amendment to the club's constitution. These amendments will be reviewed by the club board members and then voted on.

Adherance To College Policies

The Computer Science Club adheres to all college policies, rules, and regulations as well as local, state, and federal laws.

Club Advisor

The club advisor (Professor Hank Field) is responsible for helping the club's ideas and projects come to life. The club advisor is selected by the board members of the club and has to be a professor of the Endicott College Computer Science departmenet.


Article 1: Voting
  • Voting is done through an online form, which will be emailed to all club members in case of a vote, so that votes remain anonymous.
  • The voting polls will be open for a full 24 hours. As soon as the polls close, the votes will be counted and made avaliable to all members of the club.
  • In case of an officer election, the club advisor will oversee the voting process.